Brave Conversations

Workshops that build healthy cultures

Our workshops provide the space and the steps to allow you and your organisation to see and challenge systems that perpetuate inequality, to become an agent of change, and to develop resilience. 

Psychological Safety Matters:

Brave Conversations encourage employees to share their perspectives openly, in a psychologically safe environment, allowing organisations to tap into a wealth of ideas and insights built from first-hand knowledge and experience.

A Culture of Open Communication Matters:

We empower leaders and employees alike by providing the tools and techniques to have Brave Conversations without fear of blaming or being blamed.

Embracing Resistance Matters:

Breaking down the barriers to effective communication allows Brave Conversations to flow without the fear of disagreement or disapproval.

Diversity and Inclusion Matters:

Diverse and inclusive perspectives allow organisations to develop stronger leaders and more supported employees. Brave Conversations help you find the building blocks to do this.

A Human-Centered Approach Matters:

People are at the heart of everything we do. Recognising that the success of any organisation is tied to the well-being, satisfaction, and engagement of its team, allows businesses and people to thrive.

Be Brave - Start a Conversation

During these Brave Conversation workshops, we deeply engage in complex discussions by focusing on our common humanity, creating a strong sense of connection and community. This gives us the capability to embrace our differences and unlock the potential for growth and evolution in all of us.

Brave Conversations are the foundations for inclusion, diversity and change. 

We know that great things can happen when people feel safe to contribute, to challenge the status quo, to create connections and to champion causes that matter. 

  • This was one of the most profound things I have done and cannot recommend it enough.

    Brave Conversation participant

  • This was by far the best workshop I have ever attended. I learnt skills that I will definitely use in my real life!

    Brave Conversation participant

  • An interactive session talking about racism, privilege and dealing with different perspectives.

    Brave Conversation participant

  • Eye-opening and thought-provoking.

    Brave Conversation participant

  • It was entertaining, very educational and informative.

    Brave Conversation participant

  • We were encouraged to have serious debate, even if our opinions differed from the facilitator and the other participants.

    Brave Conversation participant

  • An outstanding session that was thought provoking, engaging and helped our global team to connect online.

    Brave Conversation participant